What should I be doing?
You know that nagging feeling that you should be doing something else? It could be the bills, the dishes, the thank you notes, or the research on which EV to buy or whether to switch from a gas stove to induction. All the things that you want to get done but you’re not doing.
Maybe you’ve been putting it off or maybe you’ve just compiled your to-do lists and saw how far behind you are. Or maybe you just now realized you need to do it. Whatever its origin, it’s distracting you with a sense of priority over whatever it is you’re doing now.
It's just your brain being judgey, and you can ignore it if you plan your time well.
They only way "should" exists is in judgement of what *isn’t*. If we are intentional with planning our time and following through on that, we can focus on what *is* instead of what isn't. And we can trust ourselves that what is is exactly what ought to be.
So the next time your brain hands you a case of the should’s, have your own back and stay focused on what is. Not only does this help you accomplish things, it also builds trust and confidence in yourself. Double win!
If you’re like, “um no I’m actually usually not doing what I should be doing, even when I plan ahead” then let’s get on a call and see how coaching can help you align and prioritize your time and energy.