What is coaching?

Coaching is the process of me asking questions and you answering them and us engaging in a dialog around that Q&A that peels back social & cultural conditioning and brings awareness to neurobiological influences to gain insight on who you are, what you want, and how to get what you want.

It centers you as the authority in your life; empowers you to be aware of/redirect from becoming a victim to your circumstances; and imbues you with a self-confidence to know what you want and to get it.

So how does it produce life-changing results? By equipping you with the following:


CBT-based “thought work” and critical thinking skills that will change how you view yourself and the world.


Mindfulness, self-attunement, and processing of feelings to build a resilient and more confident you.


Take radical responsibility for your life and your role in both the problems and the solutions.

These are your skills, not the coach’s. I will guide you to develop and practice coaching skills that you take with you outside of the coaching session. As long as you put in the work, you will continue to benefit and see results from working with me for the rest of your life.

This is not about positive thinking, the laws of the attraction, or woo-woo wishfulness. This is a science-based practical tool that anyone can use and benefit from.

What to Expect on a Coaching Call:

Coaching is the process of me asking questions and you answering them and us engaging in a dialog around that Q&A that peels back social & cultural conditioning (patriarchy, capitalism, etc) and brings awareness to some neurobiological influence (fight or flight, motivational triad, etc) to gain insight on who you are, what you want, and how to get what you want. It centers you as the authority in your life; empowers you to be aware of/redirect from becoming a victim to your circumstances; and imbues you with a self-confidence to know what you want and to get it.

That means I'm not here to tell you what to do. Sorry/not sorry! I know from experience how tempting it is to want someone else to tell us what to do, and for that thing to be easy and comfortable and have immediate success. But a) that's not how life usually works, and b) you are already resourceful enough to know what to do, or how to figure out what to do. If you dont believe me, just wait. :)

Who is coaching for?

I coach people who are working towards a sustainable future, either professionally or in a volunteer capacity. Don’t fit that description but still interested in working with me? Contact me and we can see if we are a good fit or if I can recommend another coach.

Coaching is a good choice if you want to:

  • Find and change beliefs and habits that keep you stuck and stagnant in life

  • Become attuned to your body so you can process emotions and triggers

  • Foster your inner authority to trust in your leadership and decision making

Coaching might not be the best if your main goal is to get:

  • Advice, recommendations, or connections in the field of climate work

  • Direction on resume writing, interviewing, or applying for climate jobs

  • A sense of self worth or validation through someone else agreeing with you

How can coaching help me?

Through coaching, we’ll uncover how your inner dialog, belief systems, and socialization are impacting your life. It’s hard to identify this within ourselves, but the feelings it can create are very obvious. Click through each feeling to see how coaching can benefit.


  • Procrastination. Anxiety. Feeling overwhelmed. Feeling pressured. Worrying. Over-eating and/or over-drinking. Doom scrolling. Regretful Netflix binges. Saying or doing things you wish you hadn’t. Feeling triggered. Picking fights and getting petty. Meltdowns.

  • Making friends with your inner child and your primal human nature. Reconnecting mind and body. Developing your own safe-haven and secure base. The Self-Coaching Model.

  • A better relationship with yourself. A default approach of curiosity over judgment. Better enjoyment of pleasure. Higher job satisfaction. Less emotional rollercoasters and reactivity.


  • Confusion. Feeling “behind”. Apathy. Boredom. Loss of motivation. Uncertainty and doubt. Feeling inadequate. Changing jobs, locations, or relationships frequently, with short-lived relief.

  • Awareness and self-attunement. Planning and follow through skills. The Self Coaching Model.

  • Career advancement. Life progress. Achieving goals. Decisiveness. A sense of agency and control over your own life. Confidence and self-trust.


  • Irritability. Burnout. Difficulty concentrating. Decision fatigue. Nervousness. Overachieving and over scheduling. Frequently canceling plans. Feeling busy. Attention drain. Guilt over lifestyle choices.

  • Setting realistic goals that resonate. Planning, scheduling, and time management skills. Developing self-accountability and follow through. The Self-Coaching Model.

  • Achieving goals. Building self-trust. Endurance. Emotional resiliency. Adaptability. More energy.


  • Complaining to anyone who will listen. Being pessimistic. Self-limiting beliefs. A lack of confidence in yourself or your work. Disengagement from work and other activities.

  • Uncovering the manual you have for other people. Developing curiosity. The Self-Coaching Model.

  • Confidence and authority. Better relationships with other people. Not trying to control things you can’t control/Letting go of things you can’t control. Peace and calm. Emotional resiliency.

How much does coaching cost?

I provide one 30 minute free coaching session. If you want to continue with additional sessions, we can talk about what that might cost.

I acknowledge my privilege and the stolen land and labor that built the society I live in and benefit from. As such, I offer discounts on coaching to Black, Indigenous, and people of color, regardless of financial need. I also offer options for bartering and a sliding scale rate. Payment plans are available. Please contact me or book a call to learn more.

Having doubts? I remember having that feeling.

When I first discovered coaching, the idea of investing in my empowerment made my stomach turn and my palms sweaty. Yet paying for coaching could be the highest-return investment you will ever make. It certainly was for me! 

So why is your brain giving you so many excuses not to sign up?  Two reasons:

1) We are socialized to invest in what benefits patriarchy and capitalism
Like gym memberships, beauty products, college and masters’ degrees, weddings, and vacations. And not like our confidence, empowerment, or ability to think for ourselves.

2) As humans, we are still largely motivated by our survival instincts
This includes a scarcity mindset, where giving up something we have (our money) is seen as risky, and not worth the potential reward, even if that reward is a lifetime of being confident, bold, and brave.

That is why investing in yourself might be a scary yucky feeling. But imagine running your own B-Corp company, of successfully lobbying Congress for carbon reduction laws, or of discovering low-impact ways of upcycling electric vehicle parts, and doing so without the impostor syndrome, people pleasing, or constant self-criticism. That’s the transformation coaching can bring. And that, my friend, is priceless.

I once held a small group program to help women understand their experiences and overcome their challenges in the climate and sustainability field.

I can also help with…

Want a coaching workshop for your organization? I also provide in-person and virtual workshops for any size group on a variety of topics. Click here to learn more.

Want me to speak on or moderate a panel? I am available for speaking engagements and panel moderating on climate and sustainability related topics. Click here to learn more.