What I Learned From My Dog George
Hi everyone, I'm Kate and this is George, and we're here to talk about anxiety. In 2020, George was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. That means he is prone to excessive barking, panting, and restlessness. He can also be fearful of sights like umbrellas and baby strollers, and sounds like skateboards and bird song.
To care for him, I have learned to read his body language and tell when he is uncomfortable or scared. I also keep an eye out for his triggers, so that I am prepared to soothe him during the exposure.
Often, when George's anxiety increases, I can feel my own anxiety increase. I notice my jaw clenched, shoulders rise up to my ears, and my biggest tell-tale sign: a kinetic energy in my chest.
I wasn't always aware of when I was feeling anxious. It was something I learned to do through coaching and thought work. With my awareness of when I am feeling anxious, I can soothe myself. I can take a deep breath and remind myself that George is ok, I am ok, and nothing has gone wrong. This awareness gives me pause, whereas without it I would be reactive to my feelings. For me, that looks like compulsive eating or distracting myself, instead of doing whatever worthwhile or pleasurable thing I had planned.
It's the same when I am feeling anxious about climate change. It usually comes up when I am reading about sea level rise and flooding in NYC. I can feel that energy in my chest and everything else tighten. I can feel myself being urgently pulled to do something-- anything-- to distract myself.
But with awareness, I can take a deep breath and center myself. I can allow my anxious feelings without resisting them. And while unpleasant, allowing my anxiety keeps me present and grounded.
So, George and I want to ask you: what about global warming makes you anxious? How do you feel when you are anxious? How do you distract, and how could you stay present and soothe instead? Drop me a line and let me know!