Time for a Time Audit
Time is a human construct. It doesn’t actually exist outside our society’s agreed upon rules for it, which are: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, and so forth.
We all have the same amount of time. How do you spend yours? How do you want to be spending it? How well aligned are the two?
To find out, let’s do a time audit.
First, write down an ideal day in your life. I don’t mean your ideal life, where you get to do nothing but fun and rewarding activities. I mean an ideal day in your life. What would it look like? How much time would you spend on sleep/work/exercise/relaxing/socializing/sex/chores/bathing/etc.? There are no wrong answers: this is your ideal day.
Next, take a look at the last 24 hours. How did you spend your time? Write it all down, including how much time you spent commuting, chatting with friends, checking email, doing laundry, scrolling Facebook, etc. It doesn’t matter if yesterday was not representative of your normal day, still write it all down.
Now compare the two lists. How much do they overlap?
Focus on the things you did yesterday that were not on your ideal day list at all. Recognizing that it’s a choice to do them, why are you doing them? Do they need to be done at all? If so, can someone else do them? Or is there a way for you to spend less time on them?
The amount of time that you will create in answering those three questions will blow your mind.
If it didn’t, let’s hop on a call to find out why!