How can you make it easier?
Many things are hard to do.
Maybe you’ve never done it before. Maybe you don’t enjoy doing it. Maybe it is physically, emotionally, or mentally challenging.
Whatever the reason, you might find yourself tempted not to do it. And you may give into that temptation, even though you did really want to do the thing.
Or maybe you aren’t in a position not to do the thing, so you are going to be miserable and suffer and complain the whole time you are doing it. That’s no fun for anybody.
So I encourage you to ask yourself: how can it be easier?
After years of pulling out either too many or not enough little pills for my dog’s anxiety medicine dose, I asked myself, “how could this be easier?” And with that question I had an a-ha moment. Instead of ordering 25mg and making sure I had three pills each time, could the pharmacy make a 75mg pill version? Why yes they can! And yes they did. Now that I only pull out one big pill per dose, my life is a little bit easier twice a day every day.
And that little bit adds up. It frees up the energy to put into other things that are hard. It can also free up more creativity to find easier alternatives to those other hard things, which means you can take on more, if you want. Or you can use that energy to enjoy easy and fun things.
Where in your life could you make things even a little bit easier?